The South Jersey Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to help educate children in schools operated by the Diocese of Camden.

 Many children who want to go to Catholic school can't afford to. You know these children. They are the sons and daughters of your friends, family members and neighbors; maybe even your children. They represent every ethnic, racial and religious group.  

Last year, the South Jersey Scholarship Fund provided South Jersey Catholic Schools more than $100,000 in funding. More than 100 students received scholarship assistance.

Your generosity will help these children continue receiving the education they desire . Last year, the South Jersey Scholarship Fund provided South Jersey Catholic Schools more than $100,000 in funding. More than 100 students received scholarship assistance. Thank you for your support.


*To make this gift in honor of someone, please complete the Tribute section at the bottom of this form.

If you would like to make multiple honorary gifts with one transaction, please call the Development Office at (856) 583-6126

Donation Information
$ 11,000.00
$ 5,500.00
$ 1,000.00
$ 500.00
$ 200.00
$ 100.00
$ 50.00
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Tribute Information

South Jersey Catholic Schools

Our mission is to educate and inspire young minds spiritually, academically and in service to others.

Our vision is for students to become faith-filled adults who, guided by Gospel values, shape our world with knowledge, integrity and compassion.

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